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Welcome to Didu Embroidery Digitizing, Didu embroidery Digitizing is a embroidery punching service company.

Didu Embroidery Digitizing provides the perfect of Service, Quality and Price. All digitizing is performed domestically by a team of AWARD WINNING digitizers.

With decades of embroidery punching experience, our expert in-house digitizers have artistic and embroidery skills unrivalled in the industry. Our state-of-the-art technology and meticulous quality assurance procedures ensure our customers will always receive only tested, first quality design files, tailored for their own embroidery machine.

Didu Embroidery Digitizing is dedicated to helping commercial and home embroiderers express their creativity and develop beautiful apparel and home decorations. Offering a diverse services to meet each customer type needs and with our dedication to customer support, Didu Embroidery Digitizing is the preferred source for custom digitizing today.

* Flat rate of US$2 per 1,000.
* Minimum charge of $5. Maximum Charge of US$150
* 12-24 Hour Turnaround.
* Free format conversions.
* Free editing in most, but not all cases, until you are satisfied.
* Quality guaranteed - you will not pay if you are not satisfied.
* Supply a scan of the sew-out with every digitized design.

If you want to contact us, If you'd like to contact us, please email us at :

Didu Embroidery Digitizing

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Thank you for visiting Didu Embroidery Digitizing - We will exceed your expectations. We guarantee it.

Custom Embroidery digitizing means you send us a picture or image as an artwork and we convert that picture in to stitches. Our professionals provide fast turnaround for any custom embroidery digitizing to all clients. We are so sure of the service and quality, we offer a free trial as well. You can send a small logo or a picture of an animal, human, scenery, construction. In fact anything that you can think of and we will do the job with perfection!

Didu Embroidery Digitizing is a group of professional digitizers and designers that cater the embroidery Industry. Serving and digitizing / punching custom designs for garment manufacturers,promotion companies, embroiderers and digitizers themselves.

The Right Embroidery Needle Size .!, How to Choose it?

Posted on 8:44 AM | By Didu | In , , ,

If you are attempting to learn embroidery, the first step is to know how to choose the correct embroidery needle for your project.  The correct embroidery needle prevents the fabric from being snagged or entangled.  It also prevents the thread and needle from breaking, allowing you to work faster and cleaner.
Here are some tips to help you choose the right embroidery needle for the task.
  1. Know your fabric.  Determine first whether you will need a blunt or sharp needle by knwoing your embroidery fabrics.  Tight weaves such as cotton and synthetic blends tend to need sharper needles.  On the other hand, loose weaves like needlepoint canvas and linen will need a blunt needle. Note that tapestry needles have blunt points, while chennile needles have sharp points. 
  2. Know your thread They sized of the thread will help you determine the size of the needle's eye that you'll need.  As a rule, the smallest possible eye is often used so as to avoid having large holes in your embroidery collection.  Embroidery yarn is usually used with crewel embroidery and needlepoint.  Pearl and embroidery floss are typically used in cross stitch projects.
  3. Know what you're doing.  Knowing the type of project you intend to do will also determine the size of the embroidery needle you will be using.  Typically, thicker projects will need longer needles.  Counted cross stitch and needlepoint will normally need a blunt tapestry needle.  Embroidery needles are used for stamped cross stitch and floral embroidery. Crewel projects will need either crewel or embroidery needles.  A beading needle is best for attaching beads to other fabrics or embroidery work.
  4. Know your needle Once you have determined the fabric, thread, and project you will be using, you can start picking the size of your embroidery needle.  Note that embroidery needles have a longer eye, a feature that differentiates them from other sewing needles.  The longer eye also makes it easier for threading the needle.  As stated earlier, you should always use the needle with the smallest eye to avoid damaging your project.  The size of the eye becomes smaller as the number goes higher. A No. 13 needle is generally used for sewing the thickest yarns onto a rug canvas.  A No. 28 needle will be better for very fine point work on gauze canvas.  Some embroidery fabric, like needlepoint canvas and cross stitch fabric, have a gauge or count.  This tells you the size of the openings within the fabric.  The lower the count, the larger the openings.  Larger openings would mean it is best that a thicker yarn or needle be used on it.  10-count fabric would use a No. 18 needle, for example.  Meanwhile, a No. 22 needle will be just right for 18-, 20-, and 24-count fabric.
There are really no hard or fast rules in choosing the right embroidery needle size for your project.  While at times some needles are labeled for a specific use, feel free to try different needles to see if it will work well for you project even if at first it does not seem to be the proper needle for it.  Experiment to see what works best for you. 
By Staff Writer

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Price of Digitizing

* Flat rate of US$2 per 1,000.
* Minimum charge of $5. Maximum Charge of US$150
* 12-24 Hour Turnaround.
* Free format conversions.
* Free editing in most, but not all cases, until you are satisfied.
* Quality guaranteed - you will not pay if you are not satisfied.
* Supply a scan of the sew-out with every digitized design.

Regarding embroidery price, please email us to ask our price list.


a. No charge for simple edits. Such as removing the original edition, enlarging or decreasing the size a bit.

b. Charge US$2.5/1000 stitches for complicated edits. Such as adding some text, enlarging or decreasing the size, which is far from the original size.

c. Charge US$2.5/1000stitches for complicated edits. Such as replacing the parts of the design or adding a new part to the design.

Production Details

To achieve the best results we will need to know the following

Garment type: Shirt, hat-constructed or soft, jacket, bag, etc.

Fabric type: Denim, twill, pique, cotton, jersey, leather, fleece, barber, etc.

Fabric weight: 6oz, 8oz, 14oz, etc.

Backing and/or topping type: Cut-away, tear-away, etc.

The exact size of the design: Width x Height

The placement of the design: Left chest, front center, back, sleeve, etc.

Colors desired

Re the payment, We offer manifold fashion to our customer,

details as follow:

A: Direct transfer to our bank account by BCA, for more account number detail please contact us.

B: Via Paypal, ( www.paypal.com )

C: Western Union or others, Maybe you have better advice, please kindly contact us: didu82006@yahoo.co.id

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